Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenes Protein MPT64 (mpt64)
Der Mycobacterium tuberculosis -Komplex (MTBC) ist ein bekanntes Mittel für infektiöse Lungentuberkulose (TB). Andererseits können auch andere Mykobakterien als Tuberkulose (MOTT) eine ähnliche Krankheit verursachen. Die Anzeichen und Symptome einer Lungeninfektion aufgrund von MTBC oder MOTT ähneln sich oft, und ihre Unterscheidung durch säurefeste Färbung ist unverständlich. Die Identifizierung und Speziation des Mykobakteriums wird für die angemessene Behandlung und Behandlung der betroffenen Personen unerlässlich.
Das Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP) empfiehlt die Verwendung von Flüssigkulturen für die Schnelldiagnose und Arzneimittelsensitivitätstests (DST) für alle Intermediate Reference Laboratories (IRLs) und National Reference Laboratories (NRLs), da dies die Bearbeitungszeit für die Kultur erheblich verkürzt und Arzneimittelempfindlichkeitstests.
Schnelle bestätigende Identifizierung von M. tuberculosisist wichtig, da die herkömmlichen biochemischen Methoden arbeitsaufwändig und zeitaufwändig sind und aufwendige Sicherheitsvorkehrungen erfordern. Während dieses langen und langwierigen Prozesses kann ein infizierter Patient die Krankheit auf viele andere Personen übertragen. Auf Nukleinsäureamplifikation basierende Verfahren sind schnell und spezifisch, erfordern jedoch eine Person, die technisch versiert ist, und erfordern auch eine teure Ausrüstung. Daher ist ein einfacher, schneller und empfindlicher Unterscheidungstest zur schnellen Identifizierung des M. tuberculosis – Komplexes erforderlich genaue Diagnose und Behandlung der Krankheit.
- MPT64 ist eines der wichtigsten Kulturfiltratproteine (24 kDa), das von den Genen der RD2-Region kodiert wird und es hat sich gezeigt, dass es ein spezifisches Antigen ist, das den M. tuberculosis – Komplex von anderen Mykobakterien als Tuberkulose unterscheidet ( MOTT)-Spezies.
- Ein MPT64-basierter, einfacher und schneller immunochromatographischer Assay wurde von Standard Diagnostics, Inc. (SD) (Yongin, Korea) entwickelt, der als SD Bioline TB Ag MPT64 RAPID -Test (SD Bioline-Kit). Es wurde berichtet, dass dieser Lateral-Flow-Test den M. tuberculosis -Komplex aus dem MOTT unter Verwendung des monoklonalen Maus-Anti-MPT64-Antikörpers identifiziert.
- Die vorliegende Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Nützlichkeit des SD Bioline-Kits für die Identifizierung von Mykobakterien in flüssigen Medien zu überprüfen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit einem konventionellen biochemischen Test korreliert und die Sensitivität, Spezifität und Vorhersagewerte dieses Kits wurden ebenfalls bewertet.
Die Abteilung für Mikrobiologie des National Institute of TB and Respiratory Diseases ist ein nationales Referenzlabor (NRL) unter dem RNTCP, Indien. Die Abstrich-positiven diagnostischen Proben werden direkt dem Line-Sonden-Assay zur schnellen Diagnose von multiresistenter Tuberkulose (MDR-TB) unterzogen, während die Abstrich-negativen und kritischen Monats-Follow-up-Proben von MDR-Patienten (dritter, vierter, fünfter, sechster , achtzehnter, einundzwanzigster und vierundzwanzigster Monat) werden in ein Flüssigkultursystem MGIT 960 (Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube, Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ; USA) gegeben. Die Studie wurde über einen Zeitraum von vier Monaten (Dezember 2012–März 2013) direkt an 105 Stichproben durchgeführt, die vom MGIT 960-Instrument als positiv gekennzeichnet wurden.
Dekontamination von Proben und Kulturverfahren
Die Sputumproben wurden in einem BSL III-Labor unter Verwendung der Standardmethode N-Acetyl-L-cystein (NALC)/Natriumhydroxid (NaOH) verarbeitet. Die verarbeitete Probe (0,5 ml) wurde inokuliert und im MGIT 960-System bis inkubiert die Röhrchen wurden von der Maschine als positiv markiert oder bis sie negativ waren (42 Tage). Ziehl Neelsen (ZN)-Abstriche wurden an den positiven Kulturen durchgeführt, um das Vorhandensein von säurefesten Bazillen und Schlangensträngen zu bestimmen. Die Sterilität von MGIT-positiven Kulturen wurde auf Blutagarplatten durchgeführt. 100 Mikroliter Kultur wurden zur biochemischen Identifizierung doppelt in die Lowenstein Jensen (LJ)-Schrägkulturen geimpft.
Der SD-Bioline-Assay wurde an säurefesten Bazillen durchgeführt – positive MGIT-Kulturen, wie vom Hersteller beschrieben. Flüssigkultur (0,1 ml) wurde auf die Probenvertiefung gegeben. Die Testkassettenstreifen wurden für 15–30 Minuten bei Raumtemperatur (RT) inkubiert. Die rosa Bande in der „C“-Region bestätigte die Gültigkeit des Tests. Eine zusätzliche rosa Bande in der „T“-Region wurde als positiv für das MPT64 Ag interpretiert. Nur die rosa Bande in der „C“-Region und keine Bande in der „T“-Region wurden als negativ für das MPT 64-Antigen angesehen. Keine Bande in der Region „C“ wurde als ungültiger Test interpretiert. H37Rv wurde als positive Kontrolle für jeden neuen Kit genommen.
Biochemische Identifizierung
Die LJ-Kulturen wurden auf Koloniemorphologie und Pigmentierung untersucht und unter Verwendung des Ziehl Neelsen (ZN)-Verfahrens gefärbt. Sie wurden einer konventionellen biochemischen Identifizierung unter Verwendung von Niacin, Nitrat und dem hitzebeständigen Katalase-Test (HRCT) unterzogen. Der Techniker, der den Test durchführte, wurde gegenüber den SD Bioline-Ergebnissen verblindet.
Insgesamt 105 säurefeste Bazillen-positive Flüssigkulturen wurden für die vorliegende Studie ausgewählt. Die Kontrollbande war in allen getesteten Kulturen zu sehen, wodurch der Test validiert wurde. Die H37-Rv-Kontrolle zeigte das Erscheinen einer rosa Bande in der Testregion (T-Band), was das Vorhandensein des MPT 64-Antigens bestätigte. Siebenundsiebzig Isolate wurden als M. tuberculosis identifiziert und 27 wurden sowohl durch biochemische Identifizierung als auch durch den SD Bioline-Assay als MOTT identifiziert.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-EP358713MVZ | Cusabio |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-BP358713MVZ | Cusabio |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-BP358713MVZb0 | Cusabio |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-YP358713MVZ | Cusabio |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG | Cusabio | 3288 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP77164 | SAB | 1mg | 2826 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP78000 | SAB | each | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP78008 | SAB | each | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP72968 | SAB | each | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG | Cusabio | 172 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0 | Cusabio | 173 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7 | Cusabio | 174 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG | Cusabio | 6361 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 475 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 375 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 420 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 635 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 695 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28132-100ug | Biomatik Corporation | 100ug | 1544.5 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28132-20ug | Biomatik Corporation | 20ug | 580.8 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28257-100ug | Biomatik Corporation | 100ug | 801.9 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28257-1mg | Biomatik Corporation | 1mg | 2885.2 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28257-20ug | Biomatik Corporation | 20ug | 448.1 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28339-100ug | Biomatik Corporation | 100ug | 863.2 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28339-20ug | Biomatik Corporation | 20ug | 479.6 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A14669 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Dog Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Dog Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Dog Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Sheep Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A101870 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A23415 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A49577 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A5922 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 5685 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 485 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3020 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 690 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Sheep Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E14M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Sheep Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E14M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A32142 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A75724 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Porcine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A58295 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Canine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A67007 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Chicken Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A93159 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A84443 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Porcine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Porcine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E11M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E11M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Canine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Canine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Chicken Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E12M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Chicken Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E12M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Guinea Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A40857 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Guinea pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Guinea pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Guinea pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Guinea Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Guinea Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
1-CSB-RP149074Ba(A3) | Cusabio |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB | Cusabio | 5350 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63(mpt63) |
AP72274 | SAB | 1mg | 2826 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1085 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 675 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 835 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 785 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 980 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1050 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 635 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 805 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 735 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 940 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS1265196-002mg | MyBiosource | 0.02mg | 375 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS1265196-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 635 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS1265196-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 1925 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS1265196-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 8405 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS9422026-002mg | MyBiosource | 0.02mg | 460 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS9422026-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 795 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS9422026-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 2525 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 protein |
MBS9422026-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 11205 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS719734-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS719734-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS719734-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS719959-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS719959-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS719959-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1490563-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1490563-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1490563-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1170 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-10ug |
QP9654-ye-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 434.4 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-1mg |
QP9654-ye-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3296.4 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-50ug |
QP9654-ye-50ug | EnQuireBio | 50ug | 576 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680254-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 600 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680254-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2495 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680255-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 600 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680255-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2495 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-100ug |
QP9654-ye-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 945.6 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-200ug |
QP9654-ye-200ug | EnQuireBio | 200ug | 1512 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-500ug |
QP9654-ye-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2164.8 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1490148-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1490148-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1490148-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1170 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1265001-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1265001-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1265001-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS719917-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS719917-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS719917-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS1489268-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS1489268-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS1489268-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1170 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antigen, Recombinant >95% |
MBS5680256-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 995 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antigen, Recombinant >95% |
MBS5680256-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 4275 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MPT64 Protein (aa 24-228) [His] |
VAng-Yyj0104-10g | Creative Biolabs | 10 µg | 1015.2 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt64 Protein (aa 1-232) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06142-100g | Creative Biolabs | 100 µg | 717.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt64 Protein (aa 1-232) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06142-1mg | Creative Biolabs | 1 mg | 3686.4 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS1489212-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS1489212-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS1489212-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 Protein, His, E.coli-1mg |
QP8820-ec-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2763.6 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1488740-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1488740-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1488740-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 Protein, His, E.coli-100ug |
QP8820-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 848.4 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 Protein, His, E.coli-10ug |
QP8820-ec-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 391.2 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 Protein, His, E.coli-200ug |
QP8820-ec-200ug | EnQuireBio | 200ug | 1338 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 Protein, His, E.coli-500ug |
QP8820-ec-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 1816.8 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 Protein, His, E.coli-50ug |
QP8820-ec-50ug | EnQuireBio | 50ug | 522 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1491465-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1491465-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1491465-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Immunogenic Protein MPT64 (mpt64) Antibody |
abx300132-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 362.5 EUR |
Diskrepante Ergebnisse wurden bei zwei Isolaten gefunden. Eine Kultur, positiv für den SD-Bioline-Test, wurde vom konventionellen biochemischen Test als MOTT gemeldet (falsch positiv), während eine andere vom SD-Bioline-Test negativ war und M. tuberculosis durch biochemische Identifizierung anzeigte (falsch-negativ). Der SD-Bioline-Test wurde für beide Isolate wiederholt. Eine positive Bande wurde in einem der Isolate beobachtet, die zuvor durch den SD-Bioline-Test als negativ gemeldet wurden, während die Ergebnisse für das zweite Isolat die gleichen waren. Die Sensitivität, Spezifität, positiv prädiktiven und negativ prädiktiven Werte des SD AgMPT64-Kits betrugen 100, 96,4, 98,72 bzw. 100 %